This collection of flowers (Gerbera) projects an imagined growth and movement sequence without the use of photography or data, allowing me to make connections between organic and structural speculation.

Creating a digital sequence of growth in a flower. The idea was to reveal the digital projection of imagery to the human which made the images compose into pixels, thus making the hidden data structure visible meanwhile mimicking the flowers growth. 

The aim of morphing shapes with the outline drawing was to creating a link between different objects/ flowers and connect them together that would create a narration of how thinks are interlinked and allencompassing, but the technical limitations allowed me to map the different stages of movement and interaction with the morphed shapes.

Growth : An irreversible constant increase

Movement : A sequence of static discontinuous occasions as or as a continuous vital energy

The book MEDIUM IS THE MASSAGE by Marshall McLuhan was the inspiration that guided my power of communicating languages of nature through technology and publication. Experimentation with different mediums such as print and digital media helped explore how they affect the concepts of time and movement as an experience and how differently its being perceived across mediums. By Using the medium to its advantage the publication replicated the movement of flowers physically mimicking the growth pattern of flower, the digital aspect makes it easier to see the movement and changes. It was another hurdle to translate the power of interaction from something physical to something digital while retaining its organic nature.